Sunday 6 December 2015

The Missing Half

It was the commencement of new session when she saw him first time - he was handsome and she was shy. Both gradually met up became friends,talked with each other, shared experiences. Both were equally good at studies so they were able to have a good rapport of each other. Those tiffin sharing,gossiping between the lectures about some random topic yet being able to give all the correct answers to teachers by helping each other made their friendship strong. One has rightly said- friendship is the first step towards love. She started falling for him but he was unaware of it what was happening,he thought her as his best friend but for her he was more than a best friend - one with whom she could spend his whole life happily,one whom she thought understands her well,one who was her prince charming. She started caring for him and he liked that unaware of what the motive was but she never expressed his love hoping that he would read his mind but the boy was too dumb to judge the smile of her face which was due to love!  Both had long conversations,sometimes texts,those enjoyable and cherishing birthday parties and functions were enjoyed by both. Those simple goodbyes at semester end holidays and those warm and blushing welcome at beginning of new semester were scenic too. It was nearly impossible for her to bear the separation from him in holidays and she always prayed holidays should end early! Days passed, their friendship was going good when suddenly she had to shift the town and relocate at some other place. She was agonised and he was sad too. Both of them adjusted themselves in the changing environment over a period of time. She made new friends, was entangled in the buzz of life that the love she had turned into a mere friendship whereas for him it was unbearable as he longed for her company. He realised that he has started loving her. For him she was an angel who lightened up his world and went away. Now he lured for her love. Impatiently and hesitatingly he enquired if she had feelings for him but she considered him as his best friend now. The love which she once had faded away. He decides to express his feelings for her in a note. He talks with her when she invites him to his town to tell him something important. Unknowingly what she will tell him, in a hilarious and joyous mood full of excitement he thinks he will propose her today with all his feelings written on the note. The day comes when they meet - the smiling, cheerful faces of both meeting after a long period of time.They just wished the time to stop at that moment. For him it was the most enticing moment and for her it was special too as she was going to tell him something that she could only tell her best friend. With a shyness on her face she remarked I love someone. He was excited and prayed -Oh God! Let it be me. She said he is my classmate. A stillness went all over the place. He was shuddered and heart broken. The note which he had written with his feelings intact felt burning in his pocket. With an innocent face hiding his tears and pain he asked have you shared your feelings with your love?  No,she replied -sadly. He asked the reason for his sadness. She said he loves someone else and considers me his best friend. Knowing this fact I always take a step behind and fails to express my love and prays for him. Each word of her was pinching his heart yet he listened everything patiently and convinced her that everything will be fine. The one who needed her support was supporting her what an irony it was for him.He gave her favourite chocolate which he had brought uplifted her mood crumpling the note in his pocket and told her he will always be there for him no matter what the situation may be.With a mood full of sorrow and dejection he returned.Days passed by, they conversed bit occasionaly and she said she had adjusted herself and moulded according to the situation since she realised the one she loved was meant for someone else and replied she had a good news for him.He asked delightfully what? She said she was coming to meet her aunt and both of them can meet again.Excited, he replied sure and told her to meet at the same place where they used to visit.He greeted her nicely with her favourite chocolates and roses. She became very happy and both of them forgot what the pain they were undergoing days before.While taking his cellphone out a diary slipped out from his pocket which she picked up instantly and all of a sudden he was on his nerves to get that back.It was the same diary in which he has written all his lovable experiences, his special moments spent with her and his special note also.She read all the pages, reminding her his lovable days which she had spent with him. With tears in her eyes she asked do you still love me?  With a mild smile on his face he replied - I never stopped loving you my dear, I still do.She was melted and said stupid! Why haven't you confessed it yet? He said you were busy loving someone and I didn't want to see you broken that's why I distanced myself from you.She was touched with his words and said only a fool would love you!  Can I be that fool? He smiled and replied yes! You can.It was just like a dream come true for him.A moment so special so unexpected so beautifully crafted that he could listen his heart beating in the stillness of surroundings.In this way two hearts were united despite of separation.

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